HotChocolate has a data integration for Neo4J. With this integration, you can translate paging, filtering, sorting, and projections, directly into native cypher queries.
You can find a example project in HotChocolate Examples
Get Started
To use the Neo4J integration, you need to install the package HotChocolate.Data.Neo4J
dotnet add package HotChocolate.Data.Neo4J
The whole integration builds around IExecutable<T>
The execution engine picks up the IExecutable
and executes it efficiently.
[UseNeo4JDatabase("neo4j")][UsePaging][UseProjection][UseSorting][UseFiltering]public IExecutable<Person> GetPersons([ScopedService] IAsyncSession session) => new(session);
To use Neo4J filtering you need to register the convention on the schema builder:
services .AddGraphQLServer() .AddQueryType<Query>() .AddNeo4JFiltering();
To use Neo4J filtering alongside with
, you have to register the Neo4J convention under a different scope. You can specify the scope on the schema builder by executingAddNeo4JFiltering("yourScope")
. You then have to specify this scope on each method you use Neo4J filtering:[UseFiltering(Scope = "yourScope")]
orUseFiltering(scope = "yourScope")
Your filters are now converted to cypher and applied to the executable.
GraphQL Query:
query GetPersons { persons( where: { name: { eq: "Yorker Shorton" } addresses: { some: { street: { eq: "04 Leroy Trail" } } } } ) { name addresses { street city } }}
Cypher Query
MATCH (person:Person)WHERE = 'Yorker Shorton" AND RETURN person {.name}
To use Neo4J sorting you need to register the convention on the schema builder:
services .AddGraphQLServer() .AddQueryType<Query>() .AddNeo4JSorting();
To use Neo4J Sorting alongside with
, you have to register the Neo4J convention under a different scope. You can specify the scope on the schema builder by executingAddNeo4JSorting("yourScope")
. You then have to specify this scope on each method you use MongoDb Sorting:[UseSorting(Scope = "yourScope")]
orUseSorting(scope = "yourScope")
Your sorting is now converted to cypher and applied to the executable.
GraphQL Query:
query GetPersons { persons(order: [{ name: ASC }]) { name addresses { street city } }}
Cypher Query
MATCH (person:Person)WHERE = 'Yorker Shorton" AND RETURN person {.name}
To use Neo4J projections you need to register the convention on the schema builder:
services .AddGraphQLServer() .AddQueryType<Query>() .AddNeo4JProjections();
To use Neo4J Projections alongside with
, you have to register the Neo4J convention under a different scope. You can specify the scope on the schema builder by executingAddNeo4JProjections("yourScope")
. You then have to specify this scope on each method you use MongoDb Projections:[UseProjections(Scope = "yourScope")]
orUseProjections(scope = "yourScope")
GraphQL Query:
query GetPersons { persons { name addresses { city } }}
Cypher Query
MATCH (person:Person)WHERE = 'Yorker Shorton" AND RETURN person {.name}
The integration comes with providers for offset and cursor-based pagination
Cursor Pagination
To use cursor based pagination annoate you resolver with [UseNeo4JPaging]
or .UseNeo4JPaging()
[UseNeo4JDatabase("neo4j")][UsePaging][UseProjection]public IExecutable<Person> GetPersons([ScopedService] IAsyncSession session) => new(session);
You can then execute queries like the following one:
query GetPersons { persons(first: 50, after: "OTk=") { nodes { name addresses { city } } pageInfo { endCursor hasNextPage hasPreviousPage startCursor } }}
Offset Pagination
To use cursor based pagination annoate you resolver with [UseNeo4JPaging]
or .UseNeo4JPaging()
[UseNeo4JDatabase("neo4j")][UseOffsetPaging][UseProjection]public IExecutable<Person> GetPersons([ScopedService] IAsyncSession session) => new(session);
You can then execute queries like the following one:
query GetPersons { persons(skip: 50, take: 50) { items { name addresses { city } } pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage } }}